Our schools are affiliated by the board of CBSE and BSE. The planning of the program is well designed by our so called experts and the implementation is under the supervision of head of the institution. The faculty is well experienced to handle the programs efficiently and effectively. So that it is easy to receive the students without any stress. Special concentration and care have been taken for the slow learners and newly joined studentsand basic classes will be conducted for the beginners to improve their subject skills.
Read MoreThe Department of Physical Education is well equipped with Indoor and Outdoor Games infrastructure like Table Tennis, Caroms, Chess, Soft Ball, Basket Ball, Volleyball, Throw Ball, Foot Ball, Ball Badminton, Cricket, Kho-Kho, Kabaddi, Martial Arts and Athletics. Every year Sports Meet will be conducted at our campus. Many students were selected for District, State and National level activities. Sportive spirit also needs to the real life.
Read MoreCo-curricular activities will be held in the evening hours to bring out the inherent talent. The activates are Debate, Quiz, Drawing, Spell-B, Singing, Essay Writing, Presentation of Science Activities, Math Exhibits, Games and Sports, Cultural Activities and Arts and Crafts etc.
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